Creativity Is in the Air

Dear Reader,

I don’t know about you, but when things slow down just a tad over the summer and folks are enjoying nature and family, I tend to have a little bit more time. And when I have more time, my creative side comes out.

It gives me a little bit more space to reflect and turn challenges and problems upside down and look at them from a different angle. I can’t help but think that quandaries we are facing individually and collectively can do with an extra dose of creativity.

Journaling, sketching, spending time in the glass studio, walking and hiking with a fresh set of eyes, having conversations with others and being intentional with my questions and quests all serve to create new outcomes.

Albert Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

Ergo, we need to shift our minds. Sometimes that is prompted through actions from others; for example, perhaps we are asked to get involved in something. Other times our mind shifts when it’s exposed to different situations; for instance, the current heat wave has much of the globe in its grip. And sometimes we can actively engage in shifting our own mind by exposing ourselves to different ideas and hearing different voices.

To that end, I have collected a few inspirational resources for you:

Local creative events:


​Inaugural CreativeMornings, Monterey Peninsula! I have been craving CreativeMornings since learning about it and hoped it would come to Monterey. Imagine how delighted I was when I found some kindred spirits that felt the same way!

If you are not familiar with CreativeMornings, check out this page. It is the world’s largest face-to-face creative community. Every month creatives gather in 232 cities in 68 countries in the world. We are just getting the Monterey Chapter off the ground and out first speaker will be Catherine Stihler, CEO of Creative Commons.

Pride & Prejudice: Protecting Creators in the Age of AI

The in-person event is at Wave Street Studios Monterey, a super cool venue. Register to attend in person or to get the live stream.

(You need to set up an account at CreativeGild and then actually register for the event or the live stream. It's a two-step process the first time.)

I hope to see you there!

Youth Arts Collective, Summer Art Show

Students get to pursue their creative endeavors after school at a local Youth Arts Collective. They are exhibiting their work starting July 29, 2023 at their studio in downtown Monterey. There is up and coming talent!

What creative events are in your area that would help you change your mind and inspire you?

Articles that might spark thoughts and ideas:

What I Learned About Leadership Styles from Attending the Symphony

Are You an Inspirational Leader?

Treasure Personal Reflection

All this creativity and reflection might just help all of us to address some of the problems our planet is experiencing.

Upcoming sustainability events that may inspire:

Panel Discussion - How to develop a sustainability culture in your organization

I am working with a group of experienced sustainability leadership coaches on the subject of nature and sustainability. We are putting together a panel discussion scheduled for September. If you are interested in the topic, please express that here and a member of the team will reach out to you. Thank you for participating in making a difference! It takes all of us.

Workshops - Virtual

Leading Sustainability (two sessions with Dany)

Join us for an action-oriented workshop about the environment. Have fun while doing good.You Can Make A Difference - register here.

Enough with reading and consuming information about the world’s current state of affairs and not knowing what action to take. If you don’t know what to do, but want to act, join us. (Two Thursday evenings: September 28 and October 12, 4-5:30 pm PST)

Leading Sustainability (eight sessions with Josh)

If you are already engaged in lots of sustainability-oriented action, but it feels like a Herculean task, then this more in-depth workshop with Josh Spodek might be for you. The previous cohort found this to be fun and inspirational!

Upcoming eBook to look forward to:

How to Navigate the Unknown. It’s in the works. Stay tuned to find out how to get better at dealing with challenges and progressing despite all the unknowns out there.

On that note, enjoy your summer!


Dynamic Dany


Daniela S. Bryan

Chief Vision Officer | DBCoach

phone: +1-844-322-6224




Find Your Blind Spot!

How to Make Difficult Decisions - A Blueprint for Better Decision Making [Free eBook]

I am interested in a panel discussion on how to develop a sustainability culture in my organization

Lonely At The Top

Executive coach for creative leaders who care. It's lonely at the top. But you don't have to struggle on your own. Discover how you can be the leader to uniquely impact what the world of tomorrow needs. Join the conversation to a sustainable future. It takes all of us.

Read more from Lonely At The Top
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