
Lonely At The Top

Are you treating nature as an asset?

Published 11 months ago • 1 min read

Dear Reader,

Did you know that we would need 1.6 earths to be able to continue with our activities as we are?

We need to change. Either we change or change is upon us. It’s been that way for millennia. Just in the last decade we have become glued to our smartphones, witnessed the power and danger of social media, saw the effects of climate change become real, experienced how inequality grew, saw the politization of the global migration crisis, had hard conversations about sex and power, and grappled with LGBTQ rights and representation (PBS).

Change challenges us. As human beings we resist change on all levels. Change requires us to reflect and be open to shifting our mindset. It’s not easy when seemingly everything is in flux and we just want to be able to control something. Anything.

I wrote this article to help clarify and jump start a shift in how we see nature from a balance sheet perspective. See what you think:

Are you treating nature as an asset?

On the subject of nature and sustainability, I am working with a group of experienced sustainability leadership coaches. We are in the process of putting together a panel discussion in September. If you are interested in the topic, please express your interest here and a member of the team will reach out to you. Thank you for participating in making a difference! It takes all of us.

Happy Memorial Day and Happy Summer,

Dynamic Dany


Daniela S. Bryan

Chief Vision Officer | DBCoach

phone: +1-844-322-6224




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Lonely At The Top

Daniela Bryan

Executive coach for creative leaders who care. It's lonely at the top. But you don't have to struggle on your own. Discover how you can be the leader to uniquely impact what the world of tomorrow needs. Join the conversation to a sustainable future. It takes all of us.

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